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Meet The Team


Sophie Lepinoy

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Senior UX UI designer and University lecturer.

Sophie has 20 years of professional experience.


After several years as a corporate analyst, she changed careers and became a UX designer and lecturer. She has 11 years of design experience and 5 years of experience mentoring and leading workshops for design students.


Fun fact: in her 20s, she was a trip leader for disabled people in the US. This was a catalyst for her interest in accessibility. 


Fiona Cowie

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Fiona is a UX UI designer with a background in art and craft.


She enjoys creatively solving problems and is always keen to find ways to help and engage people through her designs.


She is interested in how UX can be applied to positively impact people’s lives and the world around us.

Our Story

It all started on a rainy, dark evening in early March 2020. Sophie attended Mobile UX London's "Sustainable UX" meet-up, shortly before the 2020 lockdown started in the UK.

Hearing Tom Greenwood -from Wholegrain Digital- share information about pollution generated by the web and what designers can do about it, she realised these ideas needed spreading, fast. At the time, she was mentoring UX/UI design students who were looking for their first UX/UI design contract, job or project. 


While we are working on our blog, here is useful information about sustainability, accessibility, the Web, and design.


The environmental impact of the web, a BBC article.


 How to design and build sustainable websites.


Web accessibility for designers. - quick tips.



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